
How to Flash a Bricked Nokia Lumia

In this guide, I will explain the process of flashing a Lumia WP8 phone. In this case, a Lumia 820. The process, however, remains the same for all Nokia Lumia WP8 Phones. I’ve seen people getting bootloops and bricks even while updating their software normally via the official update. Here’s a guide on how to flash a bricked Nokia Lumia 820/920|WP8.

This is only to be used when you somehow brick your Lumia i.e the device won’t boot to the start screen at all, or if it has a bootloop. You may even use the following guide in case some major bug wasn’t solved with a software update.

First of all you need the flash files i.e the firmware and the flasher tool :
Extract NavifirmPlus in a destination where you have at least 2 GB of Disk space, since the WP8 ROMs are really big, around 1.2 -.5 GB depending on variants.
Extract the Nokia Care Suite and run the setup.
[In case you do not have all the dependencies it will give you a link in a pop up box and quit the setup. Copy the link and paste it in your browser. Download the file and install it. Go for the Nokia Care Suite setup again, which should now install without any problem. If you still have issues, do let me know in the comments below. I'll help you out.]

Start Navifirm Plus and let it load the first column.
[If you get any errors here, you probably do not have .net framework 4 installed. Install .net framework 4(a quick google search shall answer how) and try again.]

Now click on “Clear Local Cache”. It’s at the top and let the “Server” box show as “Nokia Care Suite”.
In the first column you’ll find a list of phones with their RM- numbers. Now since I’m covering Lumia 820, I will type “Lumia 820? in the search box. If you do not know which RM- you own, pull off the back cover and look under the battery.
Let’s consider RM-824.

In the release column, select the Firmware version you want (We suggest going for the latest version.).
Under Variants, choose any color. The variants don’t matter, it can be anything. The RM- number, however, has to be the same.
Once you have selected the variant, make sure all the files have a tick in the “File:” section. Click on download.(This should be around 1-1.3 GB in total.)
When done, go to C:ProgramDataNokiaPackages. You might have trouble finding this path, in which case, go to folder options and tick “Show hidden files and folders”.
Now that you are in this folder, make a new folder inside a folder called “Packages” and name the newly created folder “RM-820?
Copy all the files you that downloaded from Navifirm and paste it into the RM-820 folder.
Run Nokia Care Suite. Do Not Plug the Phone into USB as yet and make sure it’s switched OFF completely.
Launch Product Support Tool for Store 5.0 and click on File>Open Product
Choose RM-824 (This is what I have, you need to select the RM- you have under the battery)
Towards the bottom click Programming > Recovery. You should see the firmware you downloaded in the properties. The software will check the package contents and will fail to find the phone. It will ask you to reboot and will prompt you to “retry”. Do Not click Retry as yet.
Instead do exactly what’s mentioned in the point below.

Hold the Volume Down and the Power button on the phone together and click then hit the “retry” button. After you feel a vibration in the phone immediately release the Volume Down and the Power button and hold the Volume up button. Continue to hold the volume up button and you will see the software say “Rebooting”.
After about 15 seconds you will see your NOKIA logo and the software will start flashing the phone. Let the flash complete and the phone should boot normally again.

We hope this solves your problem. In case you get stuck anywhere or face any difficulties, do let us know in the comments below. We’ll get back to you ASAP.

Problem with unlock nokia lumia

Hi, normally it should be either 15 digit or 20 digit unlock code for Lumia WP8.

But you got 16 digit unlock codes, that's strange... I saw another user with

the same problem and his phone is also SFR Network Locked. So I think its SFR
unlock codes problem.

Anyway, you got 16 digit unlock codes. So did you try to unlock phone with

8 digit codes as for WP7? Maybe they still can accept 8 digits unlock codes
I am not really sure about it...

You can try, unlock with first 8 digit from codes 16 digit codes, if first the 8th

say wrong code, than try from 9th to 16th. If both not working than 100% code
are wrong.

Thanks but yours solutions is not working...

I saw in another forum that in some networks should past at least 3 mounths since the phone was sold from the shop for those code to be working well

Lumia trying to crack code or restore

You have security code ? There is some reset procedure using button combination, just Google the service manual for any WP8 phone. NSS will not support WP8 yet, neither is Phoenix.

I've been trying to restore or crack a Lumia 620 - I can't hard reset it as the volume down button is broken. I've tried NSS, NSSPro and ant simple but none of them can detect the phone. When I try to connect with PCsuit it says phone is in a non compatable mode but obviously I can't get into the phone to change it.

I've read some stuff about phoenix but the powers back on as soon as it's plugged into the usb port - also I can't remember exactly what it was but the phoenix walk through asked me to do something with regedit and the usb file 045 wasn't there.

Does anyone know a way of restoring the phone or getting it to connect so I can get the passcode with Ant? I was thinking perhaps there might be a way using the microsd?

I'm not too great with this stuff, unlocked a few iphone and consoles using walk throughs but that's about all.

Lumia 800 update to window 8

how can i update my nokia lumia to window 8.1
You need update your computer to windows 9 before update lumia 800 to windows 8.1

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UFS 2.3.0 update

UFS 2.3.0 Released now u can flash morethen last time modals

1 : Scan Box

2 : Check Box

3 : then go to Software and check server

4 : Install

UFSx+HWK UFS 2.3.0 Install Files

1. Uninstall ALL previous versions, you MUST uninstall HWK Suite BEFORE trying to uninstall HWK Support Suite Setup.

2. Install UFSx Support Suite Setup

3. Connect your UFSx+HWK before running the UFSx Control Panel

4. Run UFSx Control Panel

5. Switch to the "Hardware" Tab

6. If you only have one UFSx connected it will be selected, if more than one, select the check box next to the required UFSx. You can click "Scan Boxes" to refresh the list if you have connected further boxes since opening the Control Panel

7. Click "Check Box"

8. Click "Update Box"

9. Click "Check Box" - Make sure "Box Status" = "True" or "Bad Software" and "Server Status" = "Support Ok", before proceeding

10. Switch to the "Software" Tab

11. Amend "Application Install Path" and/or "Nokia Install Path", if required.

12. Click "Check Server"

13. Click "Install"

14. If you have more than 1 UFSx+HWK run steps 5-13 for each UFSx+HWK (NOTE: You must install something at step 13)

How to install same UFSx+HWK to 2nd PC.

Same as above and you must complete ALL steps.

How to add further UFSx+HWK after initial install.

Steps 4-13 as above

DHLT Files

Should be extracted and installed too:-

C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs\_DHT for 32bit PCs

C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs\_DHT for 64bit PCs

How to repair Lumia Phones boot with ATF JTAG

them with Infinity Best and all of them died and could not even

detected on the pc again.


LUMIA 620 (RM-846)

LUMIA 520 (RM-914)

LUMIA 710 (RM-803)

LUMIA 710.1 (RM-809)

Possible to Boot Repair via eMMC TP

Possible to Boot Repair via JTAG

Possible to Boot Repair via eMMC TP

How to repair via JTAG???

Step 1: Download ATF JTAG Software Base Installer Here:

Step 2: Update ATF Software to 1.04 (So that your are using latest version) Download

Step 3: Download  Additional Big Boot Files here: (Only Needed if phone cannot flash after initial JTAG repair)

For Basic JTAG Repair. Run ATF JTAG Software then click "SELECT PHONE". Then

choose proper AFP file for proper phone model RM-XXX.

After file loads, it will show you test points where you need to solder wires. After

soldering wires 100% ok, then click "RESTORE BOOT".

Plan B: Repair Boot via eMMC TP.

This is another method of repairing boot which requires less wires to solder and

does not need ATF JTAG Activation...

TP Pictures for where to solder can be found here:

C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Lumia\TP_PIX

Just do this:

Nokia Lumia hard reset Windows 8 Phone

Nokia Lumia Windows8 Phone all Hard Reset done simpal step

Use this option if your device is locked and you don't know the code.

Note: Make sure that your Nokia Lumia is turned off.

1. Turn off your Lumia phone.

 2. Press and hold the Volume down and Camera keys.or power on

3. Press and hold the Power key.

3. Press and hold the Power key.

  4. When you feel the phone vibrates, release the power key, but keep pressing the volume down and camera keys, until the phone reboots. All data will be lost!

Nokia 700

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